The Embodied Abundance (Un)Challenge

A mini embodiment course & journal+ five moving meditations

Devote 30 minutes a day for five days to tap back into your most abundant and joyful self

Daily practices in radical self care to become a magnet for abundance by releasing accumulated stress and struggle in your body

We’ve all had enough challenges in life to push through. This experience is an opportunity to (Un)Challenge yourself instead by devoting a few moments this week to breathe, be and receive.

“Hello Nicolette!

I want to share with you the powerful experience that I had in yesterday's drop-in movement practice….

I've been struggling with not being able to fully express myself and just BE around my family for the past few months. I'm always fearing that I'm being judged, I'm too much, I'm a disappointment, they don't get me etc. Sooo, I chose to drop into that as my least abundant environment.

It was SO powerful to see what I've been embodying while with my family.

And then, when I moved into how I desire to feel in that environment, ahh it was so beautiful. I realized exactly how I can shift everything. WOAH. This is huge. 

I'm so so grateful for you sharing this practice. The way you guide feels so safe and gentle. THANK YOU, ANGEL💕”


Imagine what’s possible when you….

Lovingly release any thought that you are not worthy or that what you desire isn’t possible for you and instead begin BEING embodied abundance

No longer question if you can experience the sustainable abundance and joy you truly desire. You simply know in your bones it’s available now.

Set down the burden of struggling to fix yourself or your mindset and begin listening, trusting and following the deep wisdom of your body

The Embodied Abundance (Un)Challenge is for you if any of these sound familiar ……

  • You’ve been feeling stuck, anxious or in scarcity and need support to powerfully and quickly shift into abundance

  • You want to feel in the flow , be magnetic and attract abundance with ease

  • You’ve done abundance mindset work like affirmations or re-framing your thoughts but it hasn’t had the effect you’d like or it doesn’t seem to last

  • You’re looking for support and accountability to create a self care practice but you’re not sure what to do or you don’t have more than 30-60 minutes a day to fit it in

  • You’re curious about embodiment and how it will support you in creating more abundance and joy in you’re life but you’re not quite ready to jump into a long term course or coaching program

A mini embodiment course & journal+ five moving meditations


Your body will
thank you

The Embodied Abundance (Un)Challenge


3 Intro to Embodiment Lessons

5 Guided Moving Meditations/Embodiment Practices

Embodied Abundance Journal

Lifetime Access

Client Love

  • "I loved this experience! I have to admit that I was listening every night in the bath, it was lovely! Your voice is so calming and soothing. Such important work you are doing!"

    Laurah- Lee

  • “Nicolette, thank you SO much. That was AMAZING! It was better than I could have imagined.”


  • “Nicolette has a gentle presence that is comforting and supportive. I highly recommend working with her.”
